If you watch Fox and Friends or any program on the GOP's TV propaganda network, you'd think that last night's GOP debate was a triumph for the Republican Party. It's strange that the majority of Americans with functional intellect were actually horrified by the preschool behavior of the candidates and yet, it's all sunshine with Ainsley Earhardt today.
The executive director of the College Republicans, Gus Portela, appeared this morning on the show to reassess the reality of the GOP's standing with Hispanic voters. In the 2014 midterm elections, his College Republicans tried to attract women with a clearly sexist tactic that minimizes the intellect of female voters.
Playing off the TLC reality show about wedding gowns, Say Yes to the Dress, the College Republican National Committee (CRNC) put out videos on Wednesday comparing the way a woman votes to how she picks a wedding dress. Because ladies like clothes, right? Wedding clothes especially.
Portela refused to speak with a progressive reporter about the wedding dress campaign and warned his staff to deny her an interview because she was not one of them, a.k.a. 'clearly biased.' College RNC likely hired this Hispanic Republican to show their diverse make up. You can see the gang just dripping with diversity in this tweet.
.@CRNC: Welcoming Young Voters into the Big Tent
I'm so proud of our team for planning an amazing @CPAC for our CRs! pic.twitter.com/S0Uxthz9WO— Alex Smith (@AlexandraCSmith) March 3, 2016
Earhardt rehashes the post mortem done on the party after the 2012 race, where pundits concluded that the party needs to receive at least 33-42% of the Hispanic vote to even have a chance. Since Trump won 45% of Hispanic (Republicans, keep in mind) in Nevada and Cruz captured 35% of the same voting bloc in Texas, they are on the road to VICTORY! His friends, who obviously speak Spanish, are also calling Hillary Clinton a mentirosa, which means liar in Español, so he must be on the right track. He seems to really believe that they have great standing, even though Mexico recently voted to ban Donald Trump from entering their country.
PORTELA: At the end of the day, our candidates perform better than Hillary Clinton. More importantly, they perform better than THAT SOCIALIST, Bernie Sanders.
Keep dreaming, Mr. Gustavo Portela. Keep believing that Hispanics want a wall. That will work well in November.