Chuck Grassley Hides From Constituents To Avoid Criticism
Credit: Associated Press
March 29, 2016

Senator Chuck Grassley has taken the bold step of making sure he hides his schedule while home in Iowa and tailoring his audiences so he won't face criticism for stonewalling President Obama's Supreme Court nominee.

Huffington Post:

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) says he will be going around speaking with constituents at more than a dozen events in his home state during the Senate’s two-week spring recess.

But most of the public will have no idea how to find him, because his office is keeping the details of those events secret to avoid protesters.

The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is in the hot seat these days because as he has refused to hold hearings for Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee. Grassley and the GOP leadership in the Senate have pledged to block Garland, arguing that the next president should get to pick the replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Their hope, of course, is that a Republican wins in November and then chooses a conservative justice.

The senator will hold 16 private question-and-answer sessions at schools, service organizations and businesses while he’s in Iowa. Grassley spokeswoman Beth Levine told the Omaha World-Herald that the senator’s staff would not be releasing the logistics for those events because they wanted to make sure the attendees’ concerns would be heard.

A senator truly committed to this strategy would have absolutely no problem standing up for it, am I right? Instead, he's cowering and hiding behind "service organizations" to prop up his sorry self.

Maybe Joni Ernst can bail him out.

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