February 7, 2016

I made a compilation clip right after last night's debate from ABC, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, which shows unequivocally that almost the entire punditry class (Many of them conservatives) believed Sen. Marco Rubio got his head handed to him at the ABC GOP Presidential debate in New Hampshire.

From Bill Kristol, Matthew Dowd, Britt Hume, Charles Krauthammer, Gloria Borger, David Gergen, Nia-Malika Henderson, Howard Finneman, David Gregory, A.B. Stoddard, Steve Hayes, etc...They all said 'Marco Rubio lost."

Everyone except Hugh Hewitt, of course.

HUGH HEWITT: Donald Trump won Tuesday night because he did not lose Saturday night, and I think John Kasich pole vaulted over Marco Rubio into second place by being winsome and completely affable and very New Hampshire, but I'm a contrarian on Rubio, he won all of that debate except those three minutes. That will push him back, but he had a terrific second half. And I think he'll get the bronze come Tuesday night.

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