Blogging is important. Blogging is essential. The blogosphere isn't quite what it used to be, a truly independent and iconoclastic realm of commentary and dissent, given that blogging has been taken up by large media outlets, and given that social media platforms like Twitter offer easier outlets for expression, but blogging, to me, is a fundamentally democratic medium. This is why I started blogging almost 11 years ago, and it's why I take such great pride in being part of the team here.
We are celebrating Blogroll Amnesty Weekend, a movement started nine years ago in which blogs support each other by linking to blogs with smaller traffic than their own. Crooks and Liars celebrates this tradition every day with Mike's Blog Round Up. (At my own blog, I've been on both sides of it, benefiting from links from bigger blogs but also trying to highlight the fantastic stuff to be found at so many blogs that may never achieve fame or even much broader recognition but that nonetheless enrich this democratic medium immeasurably.) Details about this movement are at Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. I encourage you to go there to learn more, and to take the time to venture off the beaten path now and then to discover what's out there beyond the big names.
And now, your links for today:
Squatlo-Rant: Big Brother in the dashcam.
The Republic of T.: Economic freedom for the rich.
Human Voices: High noon in Tallahassee.
Gin and Tacos: Gough Whitlam and Bernie Sanders.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings.) I'll be here through the weekend.
Send requests and suggestions to (with "For MBRU" in the subject line).