Goblinbooks: Of mice and men and Donald Trump.
Progress Michigan: Republican Governor Rick Snyder must resign over his Flint water crisis.
Addicting Info: Idaho Republican lawmaker believes rape and incest may shut that whole thing down.
Cottonmouth: As Governor Phil Bryant proclaims Confederate Heritage Month in Mississippi, a leading Republican legislator calls for separate but equal state flags.
Speaking of which, your quote of the day:
"To me it's a sort of feeling that it's just a nit. That it is not significant. It's trying to make a big deal out of something that doesn't matter for diddly." (Haley Barbour, former Mississippi Governor and RNC Chairman, on Virginia’s Confederate Heritage Month proclamation omitting slavery, April 11, 2010.)
Guest blogging Mike's Blog Round this week is Jon Perr from Perrspectives. Send your tips, recommendations, comments and angst to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com.