February 17, 2016

Tweet a picture of your monogrammed gun and then complain about the widespread ridicule you receive. Seems symbolic of the entire Jeb Bush farce campaign.

Source: CNN

Jeb Bush's campaign is calling on CBS News to apologize for a report that cited jokes about the Republican presidential hopeful committing suicide.

"The network should apologize," Kristy Campbell, Bush's press secretary, told CNNMoney after the segment aired on Tuesday night's broadcast of the CBS Evening News.

In the report, CBS News correspondent Major Garrett said that social media was "abuzz" over a photo Bush had tweeted on Tuesday showing a firearm emblazoned with a personalized insignia that read, "Gov. Jeb. Bush."

"There were some people who were supportive, but many said, 'Your campaign is dying. Please, Governor Bush, don't take your own life.' Only in jest, but it shows you how painful things have become for Bush in South Carolina," Garrett reported.

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