February 24, 2016

After Donald Trump destroyed his rivals in the Nevada Republican caucus Tuesday night, the networks and political pundits were trying to create a meme which says that not only was Donald Trump winning evangelicals, but was also winning the Hispanic vote, big time.

If you look at the results, only 1500 out of the roughly 66,000 of the NV caucus were Latino voters, so winning a percentage of that means virtually nothing in a general election. And Margaret Hoover, a former Fox News conservative commentator, told the truth on CNN.

She called out Kayleigh McEnany, a columnist and Trump supporter on CNN over this bogus Hispanic vote claim.

McEnany: Many Latinos like the idea of legal immigration and obeying the laws and coming here the right way. Moreover, I would argue that Latinos don't just vote on immigration...many Latinos are hurting. they don't have a job. They have seen their job go overseas. They are worried about terrorism. They are just like every other constituency in America that is frustrated with the Federal Government.

Hoover: Let's not overemphasize this. There was historic turnout last night. 66,000, plus voters ended up voting in the caucuses, 1500 of them were Hispanic. Ok, so like 3% or 4%. This is not a bellwether for how Hispanics are going to vote nationally. His favorability numbers in Hispanics, nationally, look, when you are looking at the GOP caucus population and when you are looking at Hispanics across the board, across the country that are going to vote in a general election, his favorability numbers are above 60%, sometimes close to 70% unfavorable with Hispanics.

There is no way you can extrapolate 1500 voters in Nevada for the Hispanic population in the United States in the general election.

McEnany: You are right, that it is a small sample size. But we were told not only that Trump could never win Hispanics, which last night proved in fact he can win Hispanics, we were told Hispanics would show up in large droves to vote against him, I believe are calling it the "Trump effect." That is not panning out.

Hoover: Not in a GOP primary, Kayleigh, we're talking general election, hon. This is somethng you can not count on in a general

McEnany: That's not true, The general election shows him doing exceedingly well among all minorities, In fact, in a head to head match up with Hillary Clinton it shows him winning the Black vote to the tune of 25%. That was a September poll and shows him doing well among Hispanic and among African Americans


The idea that Trump is going to do well with minority voters in a general election is preposterous, and is a reason why the GOP establishment is freaked out about his popularity among conservatives now.

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