Jon Huntsman: I could support Donald Trump if he's nominated
— The Hill (@thehill) February 23, 2016
In case you were unfamiliar, the barely perceptible former governor of Utah and failed presidential candidate, Jon Huntsman, currently keeps his name from being buried by the sands of time by co-chairing an outfit called "No Labels".
"No Labels" is a scam run primarily by Romanovs-in-Exile Republicans who have been run out of the party by it's new owners and are always looking to wheedle a ride back to their former glory.
"No Labels" main activity is taking money -- lots and lots and lots of money -- from rich and gullible chumps in order to buy radio stations, teevee time and an entire front operation dedicated to playing dress-up and pretending that there is such a thing as a Radical Center in American politics which can save these very gullible chumps from the horrors of Both Sides.
But in the end, "No Labels" is really nothing more than a Potemkin political village made of sound and fury and random Tom Friedman/David Brooks columns, signifying nothing. And in the end people like Huntsman who give "No Labels" its sheen of respectability are just a better class of GOP grifter, willing to throw in with the most reckless demagogue the Party of Personal Responsibility has produced in living memory --
[Huntsman] said Trump's right in his plans to wipe out the Washington establishment and "bring aboard a new generation of the best and the brightest."
"I'd love to see someone stand up who's a total outsider and see if that can be done because I think it would actually be a pretty healthy thing," he said.
-- because this may be their last ticket out of the sticks and back to the Show.
crossposted from Driftglass