Hey, Bernie Sanders supporters! Alex Jones thinks the lot of you ought to have your jaws cracked for daring to back the candidate of your choice.
Because communism and stuff. Also something about "burning in the camps."
He said that Sanders’ campaign is catching on because “stupid, snot-nosed, crud” liberals adore Mao Zedong while they “live off the backs of everybody that fought Nazism and communism.”
“You need to have your jaws broken,” Jones said. “But don’t you worry, reality is going to crash in on you trash who lowered our defenses, who brought the republic down. Oh, we’re already gone and you celebrate it like you’ve joined the globalists, mounting America’s head on the wall, your great victory.”
Jones then depicted Sanders and his “pathetic scum” supporters as mentally disabled, before arguing that Sanders voters are “the ultimate chumps, the ultimate buffoons, the ultimate schmucks” who will “burn in the camps.”
Snark aside, this is some serious wingnut talk right here. Say that a few times to Guys With Guns, and I predict some lunatic trying to start World War III right here inside the US of A with an AR-15 and an attitude.