Yes, I'm going to use the "s" word here. Tucker Carlson went on an extended sexist riff about why he doesn't think women are qualified to govern.
This group of Fox yakkers decided to dish on Hillary Clinton playing the "gender card," as if her gender is some kind of irrelevant thing that is no factor in a campaign. The main point of contention seems to be Clinton's claim that women govern differently than men. Which they do. Our own Congress bears witness to the fact that women are more easily able to achieve consensus than men do, for example. It's not necessarily a plus or a minus as much as it is a fact.
After they went back and forth about how she "uses" her gender, Tucker Carlson piped up with the stupidest observations ever.
Carlson interrupted the discussion with his wise words. If I get out there and say here are the reasons you should elect me, I am a man and this makes me better at certain things, the obvious question is so what are you worse at, because you are a man?, Carlson began.
Okay, this might be fair game, though I really see gender stereotypes forming in this question. Note that Carlson didn't offer any things men might be worse at before turning it on Hillary.
"And so now the question is now one for Hillary, so you are more in tune with families, actually I kind of believe that's probably true, but what are you worse at? So, you're more emotional?"
That's just one step away from calling her hormonal, or worse, menopausal. And this, on a week where the Fox idjuts mocked the President for shedding tears over dead children.
There are ways this discussion might have gone that wouldn't have been so blatantly sexist, but the real point was the one Tuckie made at the end when he dismissed Clinton outright, saying, "This is such a shallow thing to campaign on, but it's all she has."
You just wish that's all she has, Tuckie. She'd string you up and dry you out in a matter of minutes, and do it without a trace of emotion.
[h/t Media Matters]