One of Roger Ailes' simplistic, trained lapdog hosts and eyebrow waxing disaster survivor, Brian Kilmeade, spoke with the richest man in Congress this morning.
The lion’s share of McCaul’s wealth is held by his wife, Linda McCaul, the daughter of Clear Channel Communications CEO and founder Lowry Mays, and the Congressman’s dramatic rise in net worth in 2010 appears to be the product of generational wealth transfer.
Isn't that interesting? It's no coincidence that the son-in-law of one of the most powerful people in communications holds a very influential position in the House of Representatives. That puts a bit of a damper on the whole GOP assertion that we have a 'liberal media' in the United States.
McCaul is very well versed in the fear-monger speak of his party. He claims that the problem is that the Obama Administration won't call these isolated incidents of ISIS-inspired violence what the GOP wants to label them: Islamic Terrorism. The major issue today is that the White House claims that they don't know the motives for the shooting of the Philadelphia police officer. The Texas multi-millionaire mentions that the recent police shooting is the seventy-ninth arrest related domestically to ISIS in the last year (which includes 2015). No mention of the 30,000+ deaths by firearms that occurred, independent of ISIS, which is a far bigger problem facing this country. After one police officer is shot by a mentally unstable, religious zealot, ISIS is most assuredly the number one problem facing Americans, unequivocally.
We are simply not 'imagining enough' what could happen under a terrorist attack, because McCaul seems to think the president has no recollection of 9-11. Only Republicans respect law enforcement and only Republicans are conscientious about national security. The only way to combat this threat is to buy the wealthy Congressman's book and to continue to be afraid of Muslims and Democrats.