Asked about the possibility of Haley getting a backlash from supporters of Donald Trump for her jab at the GOP presidential candidate during the response, Johnson said Wednesday, “That may be, but let’s face it. No two people agree on everything. And Governor Haley is an immigrant. She has powerful stories of being an immigrant. And experiencing discrimination herself. And so she’s obviously gonna react different to somebody who’s never experienced that. I tend to align myself more with Governor Haley’s comments on the issue.”
Haley, whose parents are Indian immigrants, was born in South Carolina.
But have no fears, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel came to his rescue, giving RoJo the chance to call it a "honest mistake" and that he "just misspoke." The paper is very good at minimizing the gaffes and mistakes made by Republicans.
However, this was one of the times that they should have just stopped there. But they didn't and let RoJo come up with a couple more head-scratchers.
One is this:
Johnson was in Milwaukee on Friday to discuss health care during a meeting with members of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Assocation of Commerce. Johnson favors the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, in favor of a health care system that injects more "free-market discipline."
"I'm not saying every word of Obamacare is awful," Johnson said.
BTW, the MMAC is the Milwaukee's local right wing money bank that has been supporting the likes of RoJo and Scott Walker. I'm sure RoJo saying anything remotely nice about Obamacare didn't fly well with them.
Another dumb thing from Our Dumb Senator is when he tried to explain away the fact that many Wisconsinites still don't know who he is, even after being in office for over five years:
"Why does a pretty good chunk of Wisconsin not know enough about me to have an opinion? I view it as an opportunity but it's also easily explainable," Johnson said. He indicated voters have paid intense attention to other political figures, including Gov. Scott Walker, who won a recall election and then re-election to a second term, and House Speaker Paul Ryan, the Janesville congressman who was the GOP vice presidential candidate in 2012.
Johnson said he has worked hard to get around the state to talk with constituents and explain his positions.
"I've put myself out there," he said. "I've certainly honored the two promises I've made: always tell you the truth: never vote with my re-election in mind."
It's Scott Walker's fault that no one knows RoJoWho? One would think that if anything, Walker would help lift his fellow Republicans. That it didn't work for RoJoWho tells us that either RoJo was distancing himself from Walker or vice versa. Either way, I can't say that I blame them.
Finally, as a double bonus, if RoJo was indeed telling the truth - at least how he sees it - he truly is dumb and/or slightly insane. Also, if voting as your pay masters tell you how to vote isn't voting for your next reelection, I don't know what is.
Maybe that's why Russ Feingold has been maintaining a double point lead over RoJoWho in the polls all this time.