January 11, 2016

The way Lou Dobbs and ex-UN Ambassador John Bolton speak of the recent faux pas where a Hellfire Missile mistakenly made its way to Cuba, via Europe, sounds as if it's the worst tragedy to ever befall U.S. Foreign Policy. The missile, which costs the DoD roughly $100,000, landed in Cuba and this is an unforgivable mistake, unparalleled by the Bush Administration. The irony is lost on those who live with Mr. Roarke and Tattoo on Fantasy Island.

DOBBS: How in the hell did we lose a Hellfire Missile?

BOLTON: If people aren't fired for this, you can just give up on effective control of the government.

They went on about how even the GOP Congress, especially John McCain, have been ineffective in leading Congress and getting answers to such quagmires. There's no solution other than the lesser of two evils (Congress being better than the Kenyan Usuper in the W.H.), which in this case, would be the Armed Services Committee Chair, Senator McCain.

Neither Dobbs nor Bolton, or anyone at Fox 'News' has ever addressed the scandalous nature of the entire Iraq War. The horrific circumstances surrounding the prison at Abu Ghraib was merely a figment of our imaginations. Unfortunately, the reality is that the photos from that prison have caused us more acrimony from Muslims around the world than anything President Obama has (allegedly) done during his two terms.

Both men believe the president simply doesn't give a damn, even though he's been extremely devoted to matters of national security. This network and the party it represents never passes up an opportunity to lie about how that arrogant, feckless man regards our country's safety so flippantly. Bolton said,

the president doesn't give national security nearly the attention it deserves.

George Bush, who's watch included 9/11 and myriad incidents of a terrorist nature, was infinitely more concerned with the safety of the American people. By comparison, Bush's mistakes were hardly covered by the 'librul media,' so those in the right-wing bubble really believe this nonsense.

How about we take a trip back in time to the previous administration? Let's recall that little faux pas, when bales and bales of cash were simply lost in Iraq, and the story was buried fairly quickly by the press.

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.

The memorandum concludes: "Many of the funds appear to have been lost to corruption and waste ... thousands of 'ghost employees' were receiving pay cheques from Iraqi ministries under the CPA's control. Some of the funds could have enriched both criminals and insurgents fighting the United States."

According to Stuart Bowen, the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, the $8.8bn funds to Iraqi ministries were disbursed "without assurance the monies were properly used or accounted for". But, according to the memorandum, "he now believes that the lack of accountability and transparency extended to the entire $20bn expended by the CPA".

This imagined lack of national security attention should be a campaign issue, because no one with a (D) next to their name pays enough attention to it, never mind the defense department's insanely bloated budget. Both men repeated that they (Dems) just don't give a damn about our country's national defense, because that's an un-quantifiable accusation that needs no statistics to back it up. Seriously, who's going to challenge them?

Have they listened to their own fear-mongering Republicans? ISIS is our biggest problem? Really, even if recent weather disasters from climate change anomalies have killed far, far more people?

Willfully, ignorant, fear-mongering like this is dangerous and just plain shameful. We should expect nothing more from criminals and enablers like mustache Bolton and immigration alarmist, Lou Dobbs.

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