January 21, 2016

On Fox 'News' The Five, Greg Gutfeld attempts to be clever, desperately and bitterly clinging to the GOP fantasy that Hillary Clinton's email usage was scandalous, based on this new pivotal information. He failed at this all the while comparing it to her husband's affair in his second term as POTUS. Unfortunately for them, there's no there there, because she did not commit a crime.

The premise of all this supposedly 'scandalous' behavior is that they are operating on the ruse that the Clinton's are sneaky, entitled villains who have nothing but malice aforethought for the country. The problem with their premise is that they are projecting their own evil onto the Clintons, as they are wont to do. The discussion continued.

"She's just too big to fail," Gutfeld said, adding that it's time for the investigation to be over, one way or another. "Here's a suggestion: Indict her. Arrest her. Pardon her. Excuse her."

"I mean, what's worse: Hillary's treatment of emails or Bill's treatment of females?" Gutfeld remarked. "Hillary dismissed both and allowed for abuse of both, while lying and denying afterward."

"Emails and females - one served Hill, the other served Bill. Shouldn't that be the news? Or is it a snooze? It's something to ponder before swearing in President Clinton."

Juan Williams joked some much needed humor, and said that '

It's devastating to see you throw so much blank on the wall and hope something sticks because that's all you guys are doing.'

Since Fox 'News' is the Fair and Balanced network, he was also on there saying real pro-liberal and pro-Hillary stuff like: there is no need to defend Hillary Clinton.

WILLIAMS: I think she acted like an entitled privileged lady here who was First Lady and thinks, you know what, I play by my own rules. And I really can't stand what she did with the foundation, the foreign donations, ...and I think what she did with the unions by selling out the school choice movements, I find it appalling.

GUTFELD: So you love her?

Guilfoyle and Gutfeld kept shouting and interrupting throughout the long segment, both yammering about jail time and 'Hillary is a liar!' Guilfoyle claims that Secretary Clinton cost lives in Benghazi, which is baseless, as she's been exonerated of any such 'crime.'

To cement their twisted fantasy that Hillary is headed for the slammer, they played a clip of Charles Krauthammer on 'Special Report' the night before, where he asserted that Hillary's transgressions with mishandling classified emails is worse than what Edward Snowden did. Plus, by tying this to Bill Clinton, their most favorite, titillating sex scandal of all time, they will breathe life into their fantasy of imprisoning both Clintons for years to come.

Obviously, the Right Wing is highly upset and threatened by Democrats in general because they know that they are people of substance and intellect, where they have shallow Trump and Wasillabilly Palin as their stars. Now that the GOP has descended into subterranean depths of depravity, this contrast has never been more stark.

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