January 3, 2016

It looks like someone's political advisers told her she'd better walk this one back. As we already discussed here, GOP presidential candidate and former failed HP CEO Carly Fiorina dissed her alma matter this week to pander to the voters of Iowa.

On this Sunday's State of the Union on CNN, substitute host Dana Bash wrapped up Fiorina's interview unchallenged lie-fest by asking her about the Tweet she sent, and here's how she defended the pandering.

FIORINA: For heaven's sake. Can't a girl ever have a little bit of fun? That was a tongue in cheek Tweet which the people of Iowa understand, because I was asked over and over again in Iowa, having attended a Hawkeye tailgate, I was asked, they knew that my heart was torn.

You would think based on this reaction that I had said something really controversial, like, you know, ISIS is a J.V. team, or this demonstration was the result of a video. Let's just say if the biggest mistake I make is a tongue in cheek Tweet about a Rose Bowl, the American people will sleep safely when I am President of the United States.

BASH: Okay. So it was a joke? Not real?

FIORINA? Yes. It was tongue in cheek, for heaven's sake. A girl needs to have a little fun sometimes. I guess it was a slow news day in the media.

Yeah, you'd think she said something really controversial, like lying about Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts.... or something. Given Fiorina's standing the polls, I don't think any of us have to worry about her being president any time soon unless one of her fellow clown car occupants picks her for a running mate.

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