January 11, 2016

Dead at 69, of cancer.

Unlike many other music icons, Bowie didn't become a nostalgia act. He stayed deeply involved throughout his life in making new music. I'd been hearing great things about his newest album (his 25th), and just mentioned yesterday to a friend that I had to make time to listen to it. This one hurts personally; Bowie was such a big part of my youth -- so many of us teenage misfits made regular treks to the Tower Theater, just outside Philly, to see him perform.

He was a real artist. I have no higher compliment.

Ziggy played guitar...

(UPDATE: I can't imagine that your local station won't be doing tributes all day, but in case you live in a radio desert, you can hear Bowie via livestreaming all day at WXPN here in Philly.)

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