More bloodlust from Tailgunner Ted at this Thursday's Fox GOP "debate." I guess Ted Cruz thinks that calling for indiscriminate bombing of civilians makes him look tough.
Here he is responding to Chris Wallace asking him about his voting record on fighting terrorism and military spending.
CRUZ: Well Chris, I will apologize to nobody for the vigorousness with which I will fight terrorism, go after ISIS, hunt them down wherever they are and utterly and completely destroy ISIS.
You know, you claim it is tough talk to discuss carpet bombing. It is not tough talk. It is a different fundamental military strategy than what we've seen from Barack Obama. […]
You want to know what carpet bombing is? It's what we did in the first Persian Gulf war. 1100 air attacks a day, saturation bombing that utterly destroyed the enemy. Right now, Barack Obama is launching between 15 and 30 air attacks a day. He's not arming the Kurds.
We need to define the enemy. We need to rebuild the military to defeat the enemy and we need to be focused and lift the rules of engagement so we're not sending our fighting men and women into combat with their arms tied behind their backs.