December 13, 2015

Ted Koppel made a compelling argument that many in the media are afraid to draw when discussing Trump or ISIS. During this segment, an argument was being made by conservatives on the MTP panel, that said Trump's voters really aren't conservatives, which is silly in of itself, but it gave Koppel a chance to say it like it is.

CHUCK TODD: Yeah, you know, Ted, they're actually very familiar. These are voters that have felt outcasted. Their parents probably felt like outcasts in the '60s and '70s during that social upheaval.

That's what some of this is.

TED KOPPEL: But the irony is they think they're being tough on ISIS and Trump thinks he's being tough on ISIS. Senator Rubio in his interview with you touched on it very, very lightly. Donald Trump is, in effect, the Recruiter-in-Chief for ISIS. ISIS wants nothing more right now than to have the world divided into Judeo-Christian on one side and the Islamic world on the other. That's exactly what Trump is doing for them. I think it's time we start with thinking about what ISIS wants and then not doing it.

I'm not sure why, but by not properly exposing what ISIS's goal reportedly are, the media is just as culpable as the words that come out of Trump's mouth. And there's been plenty of information out there for the networks to use, but instead they'd rather be slaves to the right wing framing of the debate.

Here's a great piece from the Atlantic's Graeme Wood that actually tries to explain to Americans: What ISIS Really Wants

What is the Islamic State?

Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the on

Maybe we can start with Chuck Todd, Chris Wallace, George Stephanopoulos, and John Dickerson featuring segments on what ISIS actually wants instead of the inane ramblings of unqualified jerks trying to win the Pat Buchanan vote in the Republican presidential primary.

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