Sen. Bernie Sanders with a reminder of what the working class should really fear from a Trump presidency.
December 27, 2015

Sen. Bernie Sanders made an appearance on this Sunday's Meet the Press and did his best to try to focus the discussion on what has been the central theme of his campaign, which is income disparity and a working class that has not shared in the economic prosperity of the 1 percent since the days of Reagan and the embrace of trickle down economics.

While guest host Andrea Mitchell pressed Sanders to discuss the latest dust up between the Trump and Clinton campaigns and polls showing the media has succeeded in over-hyping the potential threat from terrorism, Sanders reminded the audience of what they really have to fear from a Trump presidency.

SANDERS: Look, the real issues are not Donald Trump's vulgarity, and he is vulgar. It is the fact that Donald Trump thinks we should not be raising the minimum wage. He believes that wages in America are too high. This guy wants to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the top three tenths of one percent, and meanwhile, what he wants to do is divide our country between Latinos and Americans and between Muslims and everybody else. That's not the kind of America we need.

Andrea, what we have got to do is ask the hard questions, and that is why is it that the people on top are doing phenomenally well, while almost everybody else has seen a decline in their real income. Why is it that we're not effectively addressing the fact climate change is absolutely real. I'm in Burlington, VT right now. Nobody can recall a Christmas Eve the likes of which we have seen, where the temperature was 65 degrees.

And what the scientists are telling us, if we don't get our act together, we're going to be leaving a planet to our kids and grandchildren which is not going to be in good shape. And yet Donald Trump, among others denies even the reality of climate change, let alone doing something about it. So we've got some really important issues to discuss in this campaign and I intend to do just that.

Sanders also took issue with the way his campaign has been depicted by some in the media, where he continues to gain ground on Clinton nationally in a recent CNN/ORC poll.

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