Sen. Bill Bradley labeled the NRA a wacko group and blamed them as one of the main reasons gun control has gotten so out of hand in America.
December 2, 2015

Former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley joined Bloomberg's "With All Due Respect," and discussed the shooting attack in San Bernardino and the topic of guns came up. John Heilemann asked if things have changed on gun control and how are Americans dealing with it.

Heilemann: Has this changed in a fundamental way? The way in which Americans deal with guns, is this situation appreciably different and if so, why?

Bradley: The thing that's changed is the NRA become a zealot organization. Used to be an organization of gun owners that taught children how to handle guns. It's now a zealot organization.

It's related to money as well. We don't have campaign finance reform so gun lobby's fund campaigns in ways that lock people in positions that we get no change whatsoever.

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