So yesterday we talked about how the Republican Party has become, to a great degree, the Party of Trump (whether he wins or not). This is to say, he is as much a representative of, and spokesperson for, the party as anyone in the so-called "Establishment." Indeed, while he may not have the plutocrats behind him the way, say, Romney did in 2008, Trump is actually much closer to the "heart and soul" of the party than anyone else currently in the race (and certainly much closer than Romney ever was).
And all that bigotry that has everyone so riled up? Why, that's what so many Republicans like about him. It just makes him that much more popular, beyond the fact-denying, d*ck-swinging swagger.
Infidel753: Republicans at the crossroads.
P.M. Carpenter: The politics of cluelessness.
Prairie Weather: Back to the bad old days.
And speaking of bigotry, how about right-wing favorite Antonin Scalia, who thinks that blacks should go to "less-advanced," "slower-track" schools?
And conservatives think there's no racism in America anymore? Huh.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings.) I'll be here all week.
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