December 3, 2015

You can always count on The O'Reilly Factor to put an ignorant spin on racism in America, and it was thown into a deeper cesspool by Fox News contributor and editor, Katie Pavlich's appearance.

She delved into lala land with an idiotic rant about "white privilege," as if she has no idea what it means and then of course turned racist by plugging into a blackface meme.

While appearing on The O’Reilly Factor to discuss the University of Vermont offering students a retreat to help understand white privilege, Katie Pavlich told Bill O’Reilly that the concept is racist against whites and that she confronts her whiteness by “going to the tanning salon.”

When asked why she thinks the idea of white privilege is racist against whites she goes on to cite the white students across the nation that are being ostracized for not joining the Black Lives Matter movement.

In a truly fair and balanced world it would have been pointed out that "white privilege" is not intended as an attack on those with white skin color, just the acknowledgement that they have certain advantages minorities do not. And that getting a spray tan in no way makes you better understand the difficulties of being a minority in the United States.

Yahoo dug a little deeper into the segment on white privilege:

A larger trend: Pavlich isn't the first conservative pundit to dismiss the notion of white privilege.

Despite evidence that white Americans are less likely to be arrested or face discrimination in housing and employment compared to Americans of color, there are many people who say white privilege doesn't exist.

A 2015 study showed that, when confronted with their own privilege, white participants in the study reported feeling "threatened" by the notion that they had somehow benefited from their race.

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