December 29, 2015

You have to read it twice to see the absurdity. The headline reads that Donald Trump ties Pope Francis for the second most popular man in the world. There's no mention anywhere in the headline whom is the most popular man, which is our very own President Obama. The parody site, Newscorpse, which is what some more sensible Australians often refer to Rupert Murdoch's 'news' organization (News Corps), points out the insanely right-wing leanings of the Australian billionaire's publications, which includes Fox Nation.

The part that is even more distressing about this insanity is that the original article was not printed by Fox Nation, but by Politico. They selected the headline that Trump's second place finish is newsworthy and Fox Nation picked up on it. Politico tries to pawn itself off as a news site, but as we all know here at Crooks and Liars, it may as well call itself Republico. Karoli explains it here:

If Politico wants to bill themselves as the megaphone for the US Chamber of Commerce, the Peterson Foundation and others, that's fine as long everyone knows they shouldn't be viewed as any kind of serious news outlet.

The Newscorpse site accurately labeled this egregious omission in their headline as 'Desperate' in their efforts to prevent a positive mention of our president, again. Heaven forbid the man who has won this honor so many times receives anything but a deleterious headline from these haters.

This was his eighth time to be honored as such, and he achieved this ranking with more than three times the support that Trump received for his second/third place tie with the Pope.

Also buried by the Fox Nationalists was the news that Hillary Clinton was named the most-admired woman in the world for a record twentieth time. This is a particularly notable feat considering the rampant negative treatment she has gotten in the press that has been badgering her over everything from Benghazi to her email account. Certainly Fox has an incentive to suppress the fact that Clinton is widely admired as she seeks to become the next President of the United States.

You'd think this couldn't be more embarrassing for the folks at both Politico and Fox News. However, the most humiliating aspect of this stupidity is that their readers are none the wiser that their source of news is insanely biased. It's hard for us Americans who are aware of the right-wing media domination to imagine how the world must view us as a nation. Thanks a lot Politico.

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