The gloves have finally come off after audio of Ted Cruz was leaked to the NY Times, in which he takes a few shots at Donald Trump.
“Who am I comfortable having their finger on the button? Now that’s a question of strength, but it’s also a question of judgment. And I think that is a question that is a challenging question for both of them.”
As you can imagine, Trump was not going to remain silent and he responded on the Sunday morning shows. He told Chris Wallace that Cruz is a bit of a maniac and not qualified to be the big kahuna.
WALLACE: Let's turn to the campaign. You lead in almost all the polls, except for a couple in Iowa where Ted Cruz is slightly ahead of you. This week, Ted Cruz apparently told some supporters that he questions your judgment to be president.
What do you think of Ted Cruz?
TRUMP: Well, he is -- do you notice he said it behind my back, somebody taped that conversation. He said it behind my back. And that's OK.
Look, I don't think he's qualified to be president.
WALLACE: Why not?
TRUMP: Because I don't think he has the right temperament. I don’t think he’s got the right judgment.
WALLACE: What's wrong with his temperament?
TRUMP: When you look at the way he's dealt with the Senate, where he goes in there like a -- you know, frankly, like a bit of a maniac. You never get things done that way.
Look, I built a phenomenal business. I’m worth many, many billions of dollars. I have some of the greatest assets anywhere in the world. You can't walk into the Senate and scream and call people liars and not be able to cajole and get along with people.
He'll never get anything done. And that's the problem with Ted.
Questioning Cruz's temperament is pretty funny coming from Trump, who leads the GOP league with off putting statements. To be fair to Trump, Cruz has acted like a maniac in the Senate, shutting down the government and costing taxpayers billions of dollars to help his political career.
The primary has really begun to heat up now.