December 19, 2015

David Muir asked Bernie Sanders about the matter of the San Bernardino attackers and their shipments of guns and ammo. They seemed to receive suspicious packages, but neighbors who noticed failed to alert anyone for fear of being accused of profiling. Bernie explained that it's better to be safe than sorry. But he expounded upon why this is an issue and who is responsible.

He acknowledges that it is a dangerous moment in our history, our people are fearful for many reasons. They are also anxious about working long hours and barely getting by, income inequality, putting food on the table, all the things that plague the working class struggle with. The rich keep getting richer, and the odds are always stacked against the 99%. But he then turned it to the rally-goers of Donald Trump: the hate-mongering, racist and bigoted group that create a dangerous political climate.

He explained how perilous it is to hate as a group, to hate the Muslims, to hate the Mexicans, to call people rapists, criminals. He passionately made a natural transition from terrorism being a concern, then tied it into income inequality and then the root of the inflammatory terrorist rhetoric.

These Trump rallies, Sanders alludes, are not much different than what was present in Germany before World War II. However, Sanders didn't need to make that comparison, as many of Trump's supporters have proudly made that same association and claimed it as their own identity.

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