November 22, 2015

Fox News didn't even blink when Donald Trump said the Black Lives Matter protester who interrupted his rally should have been roughed up at his rally yesterday.

ED HENRY (HOST): I would add to that, sir, that yesterday at that large rally you had, there's video going viral of an African-American protester from Black Lives Matter who appears to have gotten roughed up. We don't know who did it, whether it was supporters, whether it was security. Can you comment on that and whether or not you want to remedy that situation, and then react to David Axelrod saying that you are going to lose a general election?


DONALD TRUMP: I will tell you that the man that was -- was I don't know you say roughed up, he was so obnoxious and so loud, he was screaming. I had 10,000 people in the room yesterday, 10,000 people, and this guy started screaming by himself and they -- I don't know, rough up, he should have been -- maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing. This was not handled the way Bernie Sanders handled his problem, I will tell you, but I have a lot of fans and they were not happy about it. And this was a very obnoxious guy, who was a troublemaker, was looking to make trouble, but I didn't get to see the event.

HENRY: Well Donald Trump, we appreciate your time this morning. Thank you for coming on Fox & Friends weekend, and on top of that there's a new poll Fox will have at the top of the hour, 9:00 A.M. Eastern time. Going to be very interesting news for Donald Trump. Everyone's going to want to watch that.

So a black person exercising his First Amendment right, peacefully and without violence, deserved to be kicked and punched because Trump's "fans" were not happy about the interruption?

This is not at all surprising coming from Donald Trump, but you might expect Ed Henry to at least blink at the thought of a candidate suggesting that the First Amendment should be selectively applied so that black people get beaten for exercising it while the rich white guy at the podium nods.

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