The Daily Show's Trevor Noah basically told the Republicans to man up if any of them ever actually want to be president after hitting them hard for their incessant whining following last week's CNBC debate, where they all decided to pile on and attack the media for asking them a bunch of "gotcha' questions" that they didn't like.
Noah sounded a little bit like President Obama this week, who got his digs in on them for talking tough about how they'd handle terrorists and Vladimir Putin, but crying like a bunch of stuck pigs about those terrible meanies who moderated their debate, and wondered:
What happened that transformed this crew from the Expendables into the cast of Scooby Doo?
After playing a mash up of all of those terrible "gotcha' questions" they candidates were asked during the debate, Noah continued.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's with all the detailed questions? How about we save a little mystery for inauguration night? Of course, as upset as the candidates were about the questions they got, they were more angry about the questions they didn't get.
Cue the lot of them, along with an assist by Sean Hannity on Fox just making stuff up about what the Democrats were supposedly asked during their debate.
After wondering if any of them had actually watched the Democratic debate, and playing a mash up of Anderson Cooper hammering the Democrats with what were not softball questions -- and pointing out that you didn't hear the Democrats complaining the way these whiners running for the Republican nomination have -- Noah let them have it for trying to "baby-proof" the entire election, and for their list of demands for any future debates.
He wrapped things up by telling them they'd better man up if any of them actually want to be president because they're going to get tough questions they don't like if one of them is actually (God help us) elected as president, and pointed to President Obama's gray hair and how his time in office has aged him as proof of that.