Republicans Trust Trump Most With Nuclear Weapons And The Economy
Credit: DonkeyHotey
November 3, 2015

The latest Reuters/Ipsos online poll shows that Republicans are in the minority, are utterly devoid of common sense or logic, and really need to be re-educated in how the world works.

It also says that 59 percent -- yes, 59 percent -- of Republican voters trust Donald Trump with the economy.

This, despite the fact that Trump declared bankruptcy three times and stuck investors and the banks with his loan defaults.

This, despite the fact that Donald Trump has never shown himself to be fiscally responsible, but instead prone to living in excess and doing it with the largesse of the big banks and friendly bankruptcy laws.

Worse yet, these same Republican voters think the man is trustworthy with the codes to our nuclear weapons, but they think Ben Carson is MORE trustworthy.

On the question of whom they trusted to deal with foreign leaders, Trump again took top marks, with 41 percent saying they would trust the New York real estate mogul. Carson was a close second at 39 percent. Rubio, who has made foreign policy a central part of his campaign and stressed his experience on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was third at 31 percent.

Asked about handling the nation’s nuclear weapons - another insight into voters' views on foreign policy - 34 percent of Republicans said they would trust Trump. He trailed only Carson, with 39 percent saying they would trust Carson to have his finger on the proverbial button. Only 27 percent said they would trust Rubio.

This, my friends, is why Republicans must never, ever take the White House, and why the majority of them ought to be booted from Congress in 2016. None of these candidates are worthy of anyone's trust in any area, but certainly not in the areas of the economy and national security.

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