November 2, 2015

I hate to break it to Rand Paul, but appealing to Larry Wilmore's viewers on Comedy Central isn't going to help your floundering presidential campaign. Paul made an appearance on this Monday's The Nightly Show and while I don't think he made any great strides with connecting with black voters, it did go much better than his failed "minority outreach" debacle at Howard University a few years ago.

Here's more from The Daily Beast: Rand Paul on Donald Trump Winning the GOP Ticket: ‘I Would Want No Part of It’ :

In his soul food sit-down with Sen. Rand Paul, Nightly Show host Larry Wilmore forced the GOP presidential candidate to keep it 100, and tell some “yo mama” jokes about Trump.

Rand Paul has never seemed particularly enamored with the Donald Trump show, but things between the two Republican presidential candidates took a nasty turn during the first GOP debate on Fox News when Trump declared, “I’ve never attacked him on his looks, and believe me, there’s plenty of subject matter there.”

So it should come as no surprise that when The Nightly Show’s Larry Wilmore had his “soul food sit-down” with Paul, he pressed him to “keep it 100” on the GOP frontrunner. As Wilmore put it at the top of the show, it was the “Tea Party movement meets the Sweet Tea movement.”

“I really love Donald Trump,” Paul said to Wilmore’s surprise. “I think he’s hilarious... He’s in the wrong sort of arena now. I mean, he would be great in sort of the arena of television.”

“You didn’t keep it 100,” a slightly disappointed Wilmore replied as he handed Paul some weak tea. “You kept it 70.”

But what would Paul think of joining a Trump-led ticket?

“It would be an utter and absolute disaster and I would want no part of it,” the Kentucky senator said.

“Thank you! That’s what I’m talking about!” Wilmore exclaimed in response. “That’s how you keep it 100.”

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