The dynamic duo of derpitude, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Brian Kilmeade, had the daunting task of making Peggy Noonan seem interesting and sober. When you dedicate an entire third of your interview to a pretend game show called, Who's From Massapequa, NY and Who Isn't, it's a little easier to fill four minutes of painfully pointless air time. She was asked which other celebs were from her Long Island hometown, that was the 'game.'
The Chardonnay Canaries™ were floating around Our Lady of the Magic Dolphins™ this morning. It seemed a bit odd that the fondest moment of her career as the wordsmith-in-chief for the Teflon President was, disturbingly enough, when she had to put the 1986 'Challenger' disaster into words that wouldn't be condescending to both eight and eighty year-olds alike.
Recently, Noonan described Hillary Clinton's stance on abortion as being radical, while failing to notice that her clown car companions won't allow abortion in the face of grave danger to the mother or rape and/or incest.
'My own view was that she made mistakes on the issue of Planned Parenthood and late-term abortion when she didn't give an inch. She essentially said, Planned Parenthood, just fine; late-term abortion, very complicated but, no, she won't be opposing it.'
Noonan subscribes to the fantastical notion that the PP videos of baby-part-harvesting are not doctored fiction. Her relevance is a joke, yet she is carted out anytime they are looking for a female so-and-so to support rampant both-sides-do-it rhetoric. Fox 'News' is always happy to give her a platform to launch her new collection of delusional ramblings book.
She is oft the punchline of jokes, something she earned by helping Reagan destroy the American Middle Class. Peggy is known as one of the most vehemently anti-President Obama critics. Her insults usually contain a fair amount of 'uppity black guy.' Charlie Pierce recalled her inebriated remarks from an article about the 2013 dedication of the Bush Library. She embarrassed herself, again, by denigrating President Obama while placing Shrub 43 on an impossible pedestal:
One thing Mr. Bush didn't think he was was superior. He thought he was luckily born, quick but not deep, and he famously trusted his gut but also his heart. He always seemed moved and grateful to be in the White House. Someone who met with Mr. Obama during his first year in office, an old hand who'd worked with many presidents, came away worried and confounded. Mr. Obama, he said, was the only one who didn't seem awed by his surroundings, or by the presidency itself.
This morning, Noonan and the pals on the curvy couch failed to mention why our society is so much less 'safe' than when Noonan played carefree as a child: Ronald Reagan's complicity in allowing the NRA to rewrite the 2nd Amendment, under the guidance of Utah's Senator and LDS Ammosexual, Orrin Hatch.
Right in the heyday of Morning In America, 1982, Senator Orrin Hatch teamed up with the NRA-ILA to make Americans reexamine the 2nd Amendment, which was almost as irrelevant as the Third Amendment (the government cannot force citizens to house soldiers in their homes). Hatch’s viewpoint was an insurrectionist interpretation, in which the Second Amendment is thought to allow for a militia of armed citizens to protect themselves against government, not the original framers’ intent of preventing uprisings against the government by the states. Slowly but surely, the conversion of the middle class to the working-poor took its toll on the masculine psyche. There is no question, Reaganomics commenced the hollowing-out of the middle class.
h/t to both Blue Gal and Tengrain for this perfect encapsulation of the real Peggy Noonan.