November 16, 2015

This is the house that hate built. An Oklahoma man is in the hospital after being shot by police after he called 911 threatening to start shooting "anything that looks like a Muslim."

He told the 911 operator he was suffering from severe mental illness, and I don't doubt it. But look at how he phrased his comment about shooting "anything" that looked Muslim. Thanks to our paranoid politicians and media, so fear-filled and anxious for a political win, Muslims are dehumanized and treated as one big monolithic block to be used for target practice.

Here's the 911 call text:

A Norman man is in the hospital after he threatened to shoot anyone who looks Muslim. The man called 911 and said he was going to start shooting after what was done in France. Now that man is in the hospital recovering after he was shot by two Norman police officers.
He never fired his gun, but police did not take any chances.

"911. What's the location of your emergency?"

"I'm dealing with some severe mental illness."

"OK. Where are you at?"

"I'm sure you can get that off the caller ID. And I'm going to go out there and just start shooting anything that looks like a Muslim after what they did to France."

"Sir? Sir?"

Moments later he called back.

"It's no emergency. You guys seem to be ignoring me. I'm just going to start shooting at cars."

And then he hung up.

Police set up a perimeter and gave him opportunities to surrender, but ultimately had to shoot him before he shot someone or "something."

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