German Soccer Game Evacuated After Suspected Truck Bomb Found Outside
Credit: DPA
November 17, 2015


I think it would make more sense to ignore these attempts, since what Daesh wants is to raise the fear level. But here it is anyway, via the NY Daily News:

Police found an ambulance filled with explosives outside a canceled soccer match in Hanover, Germany, immediately invoking fears of another terror attack like last week’s massacre in Paris, according to local reports. Authorities also cleared a second stadium, with a performance planned by German band, but did not say if there was a serious threat there. The friendly game wasn’t even supposed to start for more than two hours when authorities sealed off the HDI-Arena, apparently due to a “suspicious object,” according to Associated Press sports reporter Ciarán Fahey.

[...] Fahey tweeted from the scene that police eventually let cheering fans into the stadium, which was crawling with machine gun-toting cops. But police then ushered everyone outside, and later said the game was called off, without official explanation. Authorities later said they found concrete plans for a terror strike. “There were serious plans to bring something to explode,” police chief Volker Kluwe said. The German newspaper Kreiszeitung reported officials found an ambulance filled with explosives outside the stadium. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was not at the match.

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