Fox’s Bernard McGuirk thinks Donald Trump’s guest hosting Saturday Night Live is “a tacit admission by NBC that Trump did not make racist comments."
November 6, 2015

Fox’s Bernard McGuirk thinks Donald Trump’s guest hosting Saturday Night Live is “a tacit admission by NBC that Trump did not make racist comments." According to McGuirk, Trump "stated some facts, so these people should cállate their bocas.” Fox’s Katie Pavlich and Jeanine Pirro agreed.

On today’s Outnumbered, the hosts tossed aside their usual antagonism toward NBC in order to defend Trump against the outpouring of objections to Saturday Night Live’s decision to have him host the show this weekend.

Cohost Katie Pavlich once again flaunted her condescending bigotry as she gave a big thumbs up to Trump’s characterization of Mexican immigrants as “terrible people.”

PAVLICH: If these protesters spent just as much time protesting the illegal alien rapists and murderers who make their own communities look bad, maybe Trump wouldn’t be saying the things that he is about their communities. So I suggest that if they don’t want that stereotype, if they don’t want the truth to be told about the fact that illegal immigration does bring with it a huge criminal element that we have to deal with in this country, they should spend their energy getting out the criminals in their own communities and then we can have a discussion about the people who remain here who haven’t committed those heinous crimes.

Cohost Jeanine Pirro seconded those vile sentiments – and added a gratuitous smear of Hillary Clinton.

PIRRO: I have to agree with you Katie. You know what? Everybody’s so upset about people expressing their First Amendment freedom of speech and, by the way, if you want to talk about someone who really is in trouble, talk about why was Hillary Clinton able to do it. This woman is under investigation by the FBI but she can do Saturday Night Live and nobody’s worried about it.

But Clinton did one skit, she did not host the show, as cohost Melissa Francis pointed out, to her credit.

McGuirk faced a tough hurdle in beating Pavlich’s smears but I think he managed.

MCGUIRK: It’s one thing to insult people, it’s another thing to make racist comments. So I think this is a tacit admission by NBC that Trump did not make racist comments. He stated some facts so these people should cállate their bocas (Spanish for “shut their mouths,” which drew loud giggles from the cohosts) and we have something here called the First Amendment …He was indelicate in the way he articulated some of these things but let the man go out there and do his thing and, you know, dummy up.

McGuirk, Don Imus’ longtime sidekick-producer, was fired by WFAN-AM and MSNBC dropped the telecast of the show, Imus in the Morning, after the two described the Rutgers women’s basketball team as “nappy-headed hos.” So was McGuirk conceding that he did make racist comments? And that Fox booking him for this discussion is a tacit admission that they approve?

Watch it above, from the November 5 Outnumbered.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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