Duck Dynasty's Willie Robertson endorses David Vitter with new political ad that asks for Christian redemption from his past.
November 12, 2015

As C&lers know, David Vitter is in a heated contest in Louisiana's gubernatorial race to see who replaces Bobby Jindal and state Rep. John Bel Ed­wards just put Vitter's sexual proclivities are out in the open with a hard hitting political ad.

Ed­wards de­fen­ded his con­tro­ver­sial ad which al­leged Vit­ter put “pros­ti­tutes over pat­ri­ots,” say­ing: “With re­spect to the neg­at­ive ad, if it’s a low blow it’s only be­cause that’s where you live Sen­at­or. … It’s 100 per­cent truth­ful. The fact of the mat­ter – you didn’t say it was un­true. You want me to take it down be­cause you don’t like it. I un­der­stand that you don’t like it. It hits you where you live.”

So Vitter did what any self respecting/sex perverted conservative would do. He turned to Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty for help and help he has received in the form of political ad they made together and not only does Vitter admit to making "some mistakes, but uses the Bible as he way out.

"Hey, this is Willie Robertson," the ad begins. "David and I have been out in the woods today. I know he’s made some mistakes, but who hasn’t. The whole story of the Bible is about redemption. I concerned about our state.""That’s right Willie," Vitter says in the ad.

"What defines us in life is how we get up and earn redemption. Where we are as a state is needing to get up based on strong conservative principles, and that’s what I’m leading with."

It ends with a lighthearted joke about Vitter's clean-shaven face. "And you need to grow a better beard," Willie Robertson says. "Yeah, you need to talk to (wife) Wendy about that," Vitter says.

Yes, I do love visiting prostitutes, but you must grant me redemption because I'm a pro-life Christian jerk who runs on family values when it suits me.

You must redeem me into the governor's mansion!

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