November 7, 2015

After Bill O'Reilly published his new book, "Killing Reagan," he met will heavy criticism by many, including conservatives for his portrayal of Reagan's presidency in the aftermath of the shooting.

George Will, a fellow Fox News man wrote a scathing article in the Washington Post, destroying Bill over the contents of his book. Will bashes his sourcing, footnotes and overall knowledge of the Reagan legacy. Bill O’Reilly slanders Ronald Reagan

The book’s perfunctory pieties about Reagan’s greatness are inundated by its flood of regurgitated slanders about his supposed lassitude and manipulability. This book is nonsensical history and execrable citizenship, and should come with a warning: “Caution — you are about to enter a no-facts zone.”

Bill O wasn't happy about this column and so he had George come on The Factor Friday night so they could duke it out and duke it they did.

I won't transcribe much because the whole segment is fascinating, but it got to the point where BillO was screaming at Will, calling him a "hack" and George Will, in his more emotionless style, repeatedly called O'Reilly a "liar," and for doing the bidding of all the lefties that want to tear down Reagan's legacy.

It's must see TV.

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