And By 'Our,' You Mean 'Your.'
November 12, 2015

Last night, when most of you weren’t looking, Donald Trump said that “our wages are too high” in American.

Yeah, that’s why we’re all living in the Trump Tower. Yeah, I’ve been complaining about that lately. Damn, my life would be so good if I didn’t have so much money.

Then there was Marco Rubio. He said the country needs “more welders and less philosophers.” So obviously we need more English majors and fewer United States Senators.

And you know that whole thing about he’s-a-nice-guy-once-you-get-to-know-him? Not true for Jeb! Bush.

For the former Florida governor, 58 percent of Republican voters like him less after hearing more about him, compared with 32 percent who like him more.

Lastly, I watched Carly Fiorina last night. And they say Hillary has a likability problem? Holy cow. I think Fiorina has a I can’t stand to be in the same room with her problem. I would not leave my children or my grandmother alone with that woman.

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