Following the domestic terrorist attack on a Planned Parenthood in Colorado, Jacksonville First Baptist Church Pastor McCall "Mac" Brunson accused the organization's president, Cecile Richards, of hating God and loving death.
November 29, 2015

Following the domestic terrorist attack on a Planned Parenthood in Colorado, Jacksonville First Baptist Church Pastor McCall "Mac" Brunson accused the organization's president, Cecile Richards, of hating God and loving death.

Speaking to his congregation "in light what what we're living through" on Sunday, Brunson read a verse from the Bible warning, "the person who sins will die."

"I can get onto Planned Parenthood here," he opined. "Who in the world is better to represent them than that president of Planned Parenthood? You've seen her on Ellen DeGeneres, you've seen her before Congress. She is so astute, she is so smart, she so sharp, she is attractive, she is so clean cut."

"But let me tell you something," Brunson added. "She hates our God because she loves death."

"Amen!" several church members shouted.

"She loves death," Brunson repeated. "Those doctors that practice that, they hate our God, they love death."

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