So Trump and Carson say they might boycott the next Republican debate, because, oh, they don't really want to have a meaningful debate (like the Democratic one the other night), just a platform from which to spew their venom without being put on the spot. No doubt CNBC and the RNC will change the format. These are the two frontrunners, by a wide margin. The base loves them, which says a lot about the party. And, of course, there are the ratings to consider. Who wants to watch a faux debate (circus) without the main attractions (clowns)?
Alicublog: The long con of Ben Carson.
And, shifting gears, because America is actually part of the world, like it or not:
The Duck of Minerva: The U.S.'s interests in Syria.
P.M. Carpenter: The U.S.'s unending Afghan nightmare.
Hullabaloo: The U.S.'s assassination program.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. (Twitter: @mjwstickings.) I'll be here through the weekend.
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