The Nightly Show's Larry Wilmore took his audience through the five steps of America's conversation about not talking about guns.
October 5, 2015

The Nightly Show's Larry Wilmore opened up his show this Monday with a shot across the bow at Donald Trump, and his recent comments on the shooting at UCC in Oregon, and his statement that the teachers there should have been armed.

WILMORE: After a tragic school shooting in Oregon, Donald Trump says that mass shootings are inevitable. Well, they certainly are when you refuse to pass gun control laws. Trump also says America should arm school teachers to prevent mass shootings. Here's an idea. Let's not elect a guy who's getting his policy ideas from the movie Kindergarten Cop.

Wouldn't it be nice if that were the worst thing to come out of this clown's mouth recently?

Wilmore continued with his segment titled: America's Conversation About Not Talking About Guns and proceeded to take our media apart for how they've managed to do exactly that every time one of these mass shootings occurs. He explained each of the five steps in the segment above and here's a summary:

1. Exhaustment: Overwhelming us with numbers and statistics.

2. Shifteroo: When you mix a shift with a switcheroo like we saw from presidential candidates Carson, Trump and Huckabee who shifted the conversation talking about gun violence to mental illness, and then switched from the 2nd Amendment to the 1st Amendment.

3. S**teroo: When "haters" shit all over the President for daring to start the conversation about gun control.

4. Horrible Suggestions: Jaw dropping stupidity from the likes of Faux "news" pundits on gun free zones that leave you unable to have a conversation due to the shock and your jaw being stuck open.

Jeb(!) and his "stuff happens" comment fell into this category, accompanied by this graphic:


5. Too Soon: Last but not least, the argument we hear every time from these guys when another one of these mass shootings happens.

WILMORE: Look, all I know is if we never have this conversation and we keep thinking it's too soon, we'll stay in a constant state of too late.

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