Hannity's featured guest last night was the oft forgotten but hard to miss GOP Candidate from the great state of New Jersey. Chris Christie tries to seem adept at being sagaciously critical of the Obama Administration, but the guy who purposefully shut down lanes of one of the most crowded travel routes on Earth to spite a city mayor, is not providing any reasons based in reality. He's still hanging on to the GOP contest because, a bloated tick like Christie will keep his "chelicerae" embedded in the body politic as long as he possibly can.
It's not terribly hard to Monday Morning Quarterback the quagmire that is the Middle East. No mentions by Sean or Chris last night about what caused the destabilization of the region in the first place. The illegally waged Iraq War created ISIS, and unless they are living under a rock, they absolutely know that, but are so treacherous, they lie without the slightest hesitation.
Chris Christie tells his buddy, Sean that he has Jewish friends. They weren't happy with this POTUS because they imagined that President Obama, who spoke up for Palestinians' HUMAN rights, must HATE Israel. Bibi, the hardline Right leader of the Likudniks, demands a total rebuke of the Palestinian idea of statehood, no matter how unjust and inhumane the Israeli settlements and occupation of the West Bank are, because no American leader should ever question the Apartheid regime of Netanyahu. Bibi recently attempted to shift blame to the Palestinians for the Holocaust, but today, Germany took responsibility and thereby put that fallacious claim to rest.
The next subject was the refugee crisis in Syria, which was entirely Obama's fault because he drew a red line in Syria, and then did NOTHING. This is Christie's way of saying we should have invaded, as we need more military spending and American bloodshed. When a Republican is in charge, those things cost nothing.
Hannity elevates the fearmongering to DEFCON 1 regarding the potential quarter million refugees that may come to America to escape the violence, mainly in Syria. When President Obama asked Assad to get rid of the chemical weapons, and he did, he felt no reason to invade. This subsequently RUINED the credibility of the United States...or at least until perhaps a Republican Fascist warmonger can steal his/her way to the White House. This decision to avoid war was the cause of the refugee crisis, not the endless conflicts and drought that plagues Syria. Christie wants a 'No Fly Zone' to protect the area from the Russians, who are likely helping the region by taking on ISIS, at no cost to the U.S. He's tougher than Putin, and he wants everyone to know it. How dare another country start a war without us!
Christie and Hannity both fear that these refugees pose a risk to our security because they've lived in societies that are steeped in 'Sh'aria Law.' Christie simply doesn't trust THIS President because of the hacking of AOL and other email accounts. Neither Hannity nor Christie will address his own disgracefully scandalous email issues, his abhorrent disregard for school teachers, or the Christie Administration's corruption that has driven down his approval rating since the apex that followed his 'handling' of Superstorm Sandy.
Christie’s ratings though started to plummet in the aftermath of the Bridgegate scandal, which was tied to aides in his office and as he started to leave the state to pursue his national ambitions. Christie spent much of 2014 traveling the country in his role as chairman of Republican Governors Association and has spent 2015 running for president.
The poll showed that 61 percent of New Jersey residents believe the state is going in the wrong direction, while 32 percent believe it is going in the right direction.
The poll also indicated that 25 percent of New Jersey residents approve of Christie’s handling of tax policy, while 66 percent disapprove of his work on the issue.
The NJ Governor is currently polling at 4%, which is barely over the 3% minimum required for Republicans to participate in the next GOP debate. The third poop-flinging contest is scheduled for October 28, at U.C. Boulder, hosted by CNBC.
The latest targets of the Christie regime are the disabled and destitute whom he wouldn't hesitate to make homeless, just in time for the holidays. He was inadvertently saved from unimaginable cruelty by others in his administration who agreed on a temporary solution.
Officials said in Gov. Chris Christie's administration Friday they have proposed a temporary plan to prevent more than 3,000 low-income and disabled people from potentially becoming homeless after the state let lapse a $15.5 million rental assistance program this summer.
No one should ever forget about the time when he threw most of his cohorts under the bus amidst the revelations of what he was trying to do to a mayor who dared to cross him:
He is also very sorry and deeply shocked to discover that his closest political confidantes and fixers are awful, vindictive assholes who made up a vast, elaborate and dangerous plot to f*ck over the Mayor of Fort Lee for no reason whatsoever.
This serial liar is hardly one to judge the moral turpitude of anyone, much less President Obama. The 44th President has been a paragon of virtue when compared with Governor Soprano, no offense to Tony of course. I think his campaign will likely go the way of Jim Webb.
h/t Driftglass for the pic!