During an interview on CNN’s State of the Union, Walker suggested that he was running as an “outsider” — like Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina — because he had taken on special interest groups while serving as the governor of Wisconsin.
“I’ve shown that I can take on those same powerful special interests,” Walker insisted. “It was the big government union bosses and the liberal special interests in Washington.”
“I respect that you’ve taken on liberal special interests,” Tapper noted. “But you’ve been backed by Republican special interests like the Koch brothers, right? How does that square with what you are saying about taking on specials interests or do you think only liberal special interests are the ones worth taking on?”
“I’m taking on the ones in Washington,” Walker insisted. “And in my state, I didn’t just take on the unions and Democrats… I’m willing to take on anyone. I stood up to 100,000 protesters, I took on the death threats, I took on threats [to] my family.”
“But aren’t the Koch brothers special interests too?” Tapper pressed. “Can you give me an example of one time you took on a conservative special interests?”
“I raised 80 million in three and a half years, 70 percent of it came from people who gave me $75 or less,” Walker argued. “We’ve raised from over 300,000 donors in all 50 states.”
Of course Walker won't answer that question! That would open up several cans of worms that he wouldn't be able to deal with.
It would bring up the best phone prank of all time, when Walker was caught pandering to (and illegally collaborating with) a person whom he thought was David Koch.
It would also make Walker try to explain why he made Michael Grebe, the head of the right wing dark money group Bradley Foundation, as his campaign chair.
Then there are the other special interest groups that Walker loves to pander to - Right to Live, the voucher school groups and business groups like Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce and the US Chamber of Commerce.
The only thing that Walker goes big and bold with is being a hypocrite and lying through his weasel teeth. When it comes to taking on special interests, especially right wing ones, the only thing Walker has to offer is his promise of weak havoc.