September 23, 2015

Just when you thought the GOP presidential primary couldn't get any weirder than it is - we get Rich Lowry. Megyn Kelly discussed the recent Trump vs Carly duel of recent days since the CNN debate and the National Review's Rich Lowry opened up the discussion by saying Carly castrated Donald Trump in the last debate, only he used much more colorful language.

Lowry: Look, Trump obviously attacks everyone, but she has become a much bigger target and part of what's going on here is that last debate, let's be honest, Carly cut his balls off with the precision of a surgeon...

Kelly: What did you just say!

Lowry: ...And he knows it.

Kelly: You can't say that.

Lowry: He's insulted and bullied his way to the top of the polls...

Kelly was shocked and embarrassed by his words, but didn't further correct him after this exchange. He should have been taken off the segment, then and there. Can you imagine if a Democratic pundit used those words on Fox News?

Obviously, Donald Trump was furious.

The National Review will need to have a talk with one of their senior people immediately. Lowry has been anti-Trump all along, but he just lost the high ground in this dispute very quickly and needs to be suspended by the beltway media punditocracy for a while. He's been a guest on Meet The Press and all the other Sunday shows repeatedly.

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