Newly-Hired Man Accidentally Sent Naked Selfies To HR Manager
September 3, 2015

Maybe it's not such a good idea to accept a job offer one day and send the person who extended the offer and hired you a couple of naked selfies the next?

While scantily clad selfies may have helped heighten the profiles of social media marvels like Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian, they’re probably not the best career move when it comes to those in corporate America.

This is a lesson that a 23-year-old Chicago resident learned the hard way. After landing a job at a St. Charles, Ill. company earlier this month, he mistakenly sent two naked selfies over the course of three days to the human resources manager who offered him the position.

Immediately upon receipt, the HR manager phoned the police. "My understanding is they've rescinded the offer of employment," local police chief Michael Ruth told The Chicago Tribune.

I'd call this a dick move, but that might be mean.

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