After The Parade...
Well, it's Friday!!! Pope Francis mic-dropped the Joint Session of Congress, ditched their Luncheon to go feed DC's Homeless, and has moved on to Philly and New York City. All that's left is for the Janitors to clean up the detritus and elephant turds left in the seats. The Conservatives aren't taking the visit well. Let's take a look...
Prairie Weather starts it off for us, with the piece that inspired the title.
Steve M, at No More Mister Nice Blog quite handily answers Andrea Tantaros' snarky hot take on the Pope's plea to take in Refugees. Game. Set. Match.
Vixen Strangely of Strangely Blogged, notes Ann Coulter's desperate gasps for relevancy tweet-slashing the Pope, and concludes that she'll soon be going "full-frontal-fascist."
And finally, Frank Moraes notes that, still, the GOP is offering nothing but bigotry to offer its Base.
BONUS TRACK: Neil Steinberg got one helluva letter in the mail, and shared it with us.
Round up by Monkeyfister (@Monkeyfister1 at Twitter). Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com with “For MBRU” in the subject line.