Group Pushes For Vote On Texas Secession
September 15, 2015

After last night's big Trumpalooza in Dallas, I'm betting these folks were able to make some progress toward their goal of seeing Texas recognized as an independent nation.

The Texas Nationalist Movement is seeking signatures for a petition to get a non-binding vote onto the Republican primary ballot in March to see if "the state of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation," according to a Tuesday report from the Texas Tribune.

The group, according to the San Antonio television station KSAT, has been around in some form for 20 years. The GOP primary ballot move is the most recent stunt by the fringe group to spark secession. In 2013, the Texas Nationalist Movement staged a rally at the capitol in Austin to make "a stand for liberation."


The Texas Nationalist Movement wants to obtain 75,000 signatures from registered voters by Dec. 1, the group said when the petition was announced in July.

“The end game for us is to have a binding referendum on Texas independence, much like the people of Scotland had in November of last year,” Patrick Miller, the president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, told the Tribune.

I'm sure they had some sympathetic partners cheering for the idiocy in Dallas last night, so maybe they'll get their signatures after all!

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