September 12, 2015

Trust fund baby Tucker Carlson is very upset that Yale would hire a "race hustler" like Black Lives Matter activist, DeRay McKesson. After opening the segment with some dramatic music and the “Trouble With Schlools” splashed across the screen, Carlson started things off on this Saturday's Fox & Friends by attacking McKesson, and showing a short segment from his appearance on his buddy's Hannity's show, where Hannity was asking McKesson if he was a “professional protester” because he had taken some time off from work to travel across the country following the BLM protests.

Now he's got a new job at one of those horrible dirty hippie colleges they love to attack at every opportunity, and the right wing is up in arms.:

Deray McKesson, one of the most vocal leaders of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, will be teaching a one credit course at Yale Divinity School this fall as a guest lecturer.

McKesson, whom the university describes as a “civil rights activist and social media leader” will teach a course titled “Transformational Leadership in the #BlackLivesMatter Movement,” as part of Yale Divinity School’s “ Transformational Leadership for Church and Society” program.

“A young leader of the Black Lives Matter Movement,” a syllabus for the course reads, “DeRay McKesson will present case studies about the work of organizing, public advocacy, civil disobedience, and social change, through both Leadership of Presence, and Leadership in the Social Media.”

Reading material for the course will consist of Ta-Nehisi Coates’s book Between the World and Me, a Huffington Post article titled “How The Black Lives Matter Movement Changed the Church,” author Derrick Bell’s book Silent Covenants: Brown v. Board of Education and the Unfilled Hopes for Racial Reform, Leah Gunning Francis’ book Ferguson & Faith: Sparking Leadership and Awakening Community, and a New York Times article titled “Our Demand Is Simple: Stop Killing Us.”

So who better to bring in for some commentary than another one of these rising wingnut stars they love to prop up, Yale student and Koch funded Clare Luce Boothe Luce Policy Institute intern, Aryssa Damron.

Surprise, surprise. Damron with her well memorized Koch-approved talking points was just horrified that Yale is going to give someone like KcKesson a job.

CARLSON: Well, Aryssa Damron is a sophomore at Yale. She says she was shocked when she heard McKesson was coming to teach at her school and she joins us live. […] So was this announced on campus that DeRay McKesson, star of Twitter was going to be teaching at the famous Yale University?

DAMRON: It was included in our daily newspaper, but they really glossed over who he was, and just mentioned that we have a great leadership course being taught in the divinity school.

CARLSON: I guess what bothers me about this is, it's not that he doesn't share my politics. Most people don't. He's liberal. Yale is liberal of course. Not an impressive guy. Just kind of a race hustler. What are his qualifications to teach at Yale, which you'd think is kind of a big deal place, right?

DAMRON: Yeah. Essentially as far as I can tell from his LinkedIn profile and research I've done on him, he taught middle school math for a couple of years, and he's been a human resource manager, but we have Nobel laureates teaching at Yale and he just doesn't really meet the criteria for a Yale professor.

CARLSON: Yeah, I would think. So you're paying an awful lot of money to go to Yale. It's over $50 grand a year. Is this kind of what you expected when you showed up? To be taught by people like this?

DAMRON: Absolutely not. I pay over $60 thousand a year. The divinity school is over $25 thousand a year, and now we're seeing our money going to see professional protest into campus instead of real professors.

Darmon is a Quest scholar, by the way, which means she did not fork out $60K of her own money to go to Yale, but I digress.

CARSON: Well, I noticed that, you know, it's a certain kind of protester. I mean, there's nobody from Operation Rescue teaching at Yale. Right? So, I mean, the criteria for choosing a Yale professor, is you're going to be, you know, someone who's popular on Twitter.

DARMON: Exactly. And the other teachers teaching the other courses at divinity school are senators and reverends, or Yale alumni, and yet we have this random Twitter star teaching a course because Beyonce follows him on Twitter maybe.

Nothing like the false equivalency of putting Black Lives Matter and the crazy wingnuts with Operation Rescue out there terrorizing women at abortion clinics in the same breath. And of course no segment on Faux "news" like this one would be complete without them pulling the poor, picked on, Christian conservative card. We're being persecuted by those mean intolerant liberals!!

CARLSON: Also kind of a hater I've noticed. I mean, this is a guy who has made a living out of race hustling, of dividing people by skin color, making totally unfounded, stupid claims, who doesn't appear particularly erudite. Does this devalue the Yale brand? Or is there anything that could devalue the brand of Yale in the minds of Americans?

DARMON: Honestly, I've been in love with Yale my entire life and I am disillusioned with them for bringing such a person to campus to teach. We're supposed to be leading and creating the future leaders of America and yet we're letting them be indoctrinated by men like this.

It's obvious neither one of these two ever heard the saying about people in glass houses and throwing stones. Next, Carlson tries to pretend he has no idea what her politics are. Riiiigghhht.

CARLSON: I don't know exactly what your politics are, but you seem to think for yourself, so I assume you're not a liberal. What kind of reception have you gotten on the campus?

DARMON: I've received some negative backlash from students. I wear a lot of like elephants and conservative apparel on campus and I've been called a bigot from across crowded hallways simply because of what I'm wearing. I've had someone actually tell me they couldn't live with me because I was too conservative.

CARLSON: Where's the open mindedness? That seems really reactionary to me?

DARMON: I'm still looking for it. I'll let you know if I find it.

CARLSON: Is that true?

DARMON: Yeah. It's a very liberal campus and a very liberal city and as a conservative on Yale, we're often minimalized.

CARLSON: I thought liberal meant open minded and to diversity of view points?

DARMON: Not on college campuses any more.

If Carlson wants to see what a race baiter looks like, all he needs to do is go look in the mirror. I guess real life experience means nothing to these two if you don't have a title or some kind of pedigree associated with your name. And the only kind of "indoctrinating" they like is the kind we've seen from the Kochs who are funding the groups bringing us more and more of these little wingnuts as the future leaders of the Republican party.

Darmon could probably have a successful career waiting for her as one of Carlson's cohorts if she's willing to put up having some cosmetic surgery done and a few gallons of peroxide a year dumped on her hair.

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