September 6, 2015

Republicans are always happy to get the United States into more wars. Dealing with the aftermath... not so much. Here's Republican presidential nominee Carly Fiorina on this Sunday's Face the Nation, claiming that the United States has "done its fair share" when it comes to the refugee crisis we're seeing in Europe right now, and fearmongering about the possibility of another terrorist attack if heaven forbid we take some of them in.

DICKERSON: Other news from the week I would like to get your reaction to, which is this migrant crisis, the refugees, these pictures we have seen. What is the U.S. role in this humanitarian crisis?

FIORINA: Well, those pictures are unbelievably heartbreaking.

And, unfortunately, we have known this crisis was coming for a very long time. This is an example of what happens when the United States fails to lead. President Obama had options in Syria three years ago. And he failed to exercise any of those options.

And he has watched as this humanitarian crisis has grown and grown. It isn't surprising, actually, that these refugees are pouring out of Syria. We now have somewhere between 43 million and 60 million refugees on the move around the world because they are trying to escape conflict zones like Syria.

The United States, I believe, has done its fair share in terms of humanitarian aid. Certainly, the United States has not led, as I indicated earlier. I think the United States, honestly, sadly, cannot relax our entrance criteria. We are having to be very careful about who we let enter this country from these war-torn regions to ensure that terrorists are not coming here.

I think the Europeans need to continue to step up here both in terms of the amount of money they provide for humanitarian relief. They have not done as much as the United States has done on that front. And I also think they are beginning to step up and let some of these refugees cross into their borders. But, sadly, this is a crisis that everyone should have known was coming for at least three years now.

Here's what Fiorina considers the United States doing "its fair share:"

The U.S. has taken in approximately 1,000 Syrian refugees this year, the Associated Press reported. An estimated 4 million Syrians have been displaced in the uprising against the government of president Bashar Al-Asaad, with the bulk fleeing to neighboring countries, according to Amnesty International. The refugees have flooded across Europe in recent days, with Austria accepting more than 12,000 migrants by Sunday, and Germany welcoming in several thousand more.

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