Buzzfeed has the news that Scott Walker has finally outlined his policy towards the Iran Deal (which he still probably hasn't read):
Scott Walker said on Wednesday that the United States should treat the inspection of Iran’s nuclear facilities the way parents treat inspections of teenage boys’ bedrooms.
“Throughout the process, I’ve spoke out repeatedly about it,” the Wisconsin governor told Iowa radio host Simon Conway. “I’ve got two boys in college now, but when they were in high school, we’d have a rule that they could have friends over, including girls, as long as the door to their room was open.”
He added that “the provisions in this deal” would be like allowing teen boys keep their doors closed and warning them before entering the room.
“To me, the provisions in this deal are like telling teenage boys, not only can you have the doors closed, but we got to shout up the stairs before we walk up the steps, ‘Hey, we’re coming up to check and see what you’re doing. Just want to give you advance notice.’ It makes no sense,” Walker said.
“You wouldn’t do it as a parent and we certainly shouldn’t be doing it with the leading sponsor—the leading country when it comes to state-sponsored terrorism,” he concluded.
Yeah, I'm sure a sovereign nation would love to have Walker treating them like his hormonal teenage sons.
BTW, those college students sons of his have followed his footsteps and have dropped out of college to help with his doomed campaign.
You just can't make this stuff up.