Walker Gets Punk'd In New Hamphsire
August 4, 2015

Scott Walker went to Theo's Pizza Restaurant in Manchester, New Hampshire to do some glad-handing with the public. While there, he encountered a young couple that were so eager to meet him, they carried a homemade sign supporting Walker for president. But when he went to take a picture with them, the young man flipped the poster and hilarity ensued:


The young mad explained that this was in response to Walker's poor stance on climate change and selling himself out to the Kochs.

Sadly for Walker, these two weren't the only ones he had problems with while at the restaurant:

It's not unusual for activists or protesters to stop by campaign events and put candidates on the spot — but Walker faced many more than usual during a campaign stop at Theo's late Monday morning ahead of an evening candidates' forum. Elizabeth Ropp, a 38-year-old acupuncturist who works in town, brought up the millions of dollars that defense contractors spend on elections and asked what he would do to ensure those companies did not unduly sway foreign policy decisions. (Walker shifted to talking about the need for a strong military and said he will soon roll out a foreign policy plan.) Emma Stein, a 20-year-old college student, asked about campaign finance reform. (There's a plan coming, he said.) Another 20-something asked about ending the revolving door between politics and lobbying. ("We'll certainly come out with a plan later this year," Walker said.)

Walker's campaign aides didn't help his optics either:

As Walker answered questions from reporters in a parking lot, a man with a scraggly beard wearing a blacktop hat and carrying a white flower came up with a sign reading: "How can we make the world better." A spokeswoman tried to knock the sign away. A few campaign staffers stood in front of him. He jumped up on a rock. Later, as Walker did a one-on-one interview with a local reporter, the top-hat protester jumped on top of a car and started screaming: "Scott Walker will do anything to get elected! Because that's what politicians do!"...

This wasn't the first time Walker had problems dealing with the public in an eatery.

Last week, Walker had issues and committed a number of faux pas while in Philly.

A couple of days later, he got the owner of a barbeque restaurant in Missouri in hot water and the subject of a major backlash by having an impromptu meet and greet at the restaurant.

Before all of this, Walker, while campaigning in Iowa, had already showed the world that the man just doesn't know how to eat ribs anyhow:


It's only a matter of time now before Walker stops holding events open to the public. That will surely win over the voters.

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