The Daily Show's Jon Stewart ripped the GOP 2016 candidates who made an appearance at this weekend's forum hosted by the Koch brothers.
August 3, 2015

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart opened his show this Monday by ripping the GOP 2016 candidates who made an appearance at this weekend's forum hosted by the Koch brothers. Five of them showed up to kiss the Koch's rings, among other areas and as Stewart noted, they've pledged to give almost a billion dollars to buy the next election.

STEWART: Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Scott Walker, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio worked the talking points and cradled the special interests in the hopes of one of them after a period of forty five minutes to an hour, would induce... the money shot.

And really they didn't care which Koch went off. To be fair though, that's not really why they were there.

Cue Scott Walker claiming that ideas, not money, wins elections and that he wishes the whole world could see what goes on there.

STEWART: Oh, I think we see it, and I think it looks a little something, like this.

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As Stewart went onto explain, transparency is not what they've wanted at these deals, although this time around, they did allow some reporters to come in. They weren't allowed to record the Koch brothers speaking though. Probably because they wind up saying ridiculous things like this:

Charles and his brother David Koch allowed some reporters to attend the usually secretive weekend forum hosted by Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, the funding arm of the brothers' political network, under the agreement that none of the 450 rich attendees would be identified without their consent. [...]

According to a report by Politico, Charles Koch "called on the assembled business leaders to reject 'corporate welfare,' which, he said, is creating 'a two-tier society' by 'creating a permanent underclass, crippling our economy and corrupting the business community — present company excepted, of course.' "

After showing some footage of the candidates that showed up there all sucking up to the Kochs and talking about how wonderful they are, and using his hands to illustrate just what Scott Walker was doing there, Stewart explained what might possibly go wrong for them this time around.

STEWART: You see, these candidates go out to a billionaire conference begging for money, they wind up looking like a bunch of puppets. Try finding a Republican candidate who will tell you that.

Cue Donald Trump tweeting exactly that.

STEWART: Who is this Trump fella? I like the cut of his jib. We'll have to look into that.

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